

Our chiropractor uses a combination of treatments, all of which are predicated on the specific needs of the individual patient. After taking a complete history and diagnosing a patient, our chiropractor will develop and carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and provide lifestyle counseling. We treat individuals with neuro-musculoskeletal complaints, such as headaches, joint pain, neck pain, low back pain and sciatica. Chiropractors also treat patients with osteoarthritis, spinal disc conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, strains, sports injuries, work-related (WSIB) injuries, and motor vehicle accident injuries.

Laser Therapy

We offer laser therapy that is an effective treatment for:

  • Spine pain
  • Arthritis (Osteo and Rheumatoid)
  • Post-surgical recovery
  • Pulls, strains, and muscle injuries
  • Joint twists and sprains
  • Carpal Tunnel (repetitive stress injuries)
  • Tendonitis

Cold laser is not painful at all. It helps break down any scar tissue, and heals the tissue without harming the cells. It is safe to use for children, seniors, and adults. Laser therapy has three main benefits:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Relieve pain
  • Speed healing


After conducting a thorough initial assessment, our physiotherapist uses a combination of treatments to address muscle and joint injuries, pre and post surgical rehabilitation, motor vehicle accident injuries, work-related injuries, injury prevention, and fitness.

Physical Therapy

The physical therapy consists of various exercises using stationary equipments, and physical movements. Exercises will be done in our office, and also at home prescribed by the chiropractor.

Orthotics / Compression Stockings

We offer custom made inserts to accommodate biomechanical deformities and a variety of soft tissue inflammatory conditions such as plantar fasciitis, knees, hip, and spine deformities. We also offer custom made compression stockings to promote better venous blood flow which in turn helps to control swelling, varicosities, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions.

Massage Therapy

Our Massage Therapist uses manual therapy to target tissues - muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, or other connective tissue. She uses various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, decrease muscle reflex activity, and inhibit motor-neuron excitability. The result is decreased muscle tension and adhesions, improved circulation, and overall wellness.

Leander Table

The Leander table is an advanced therapeutic tool that allows us to deliver gentle therapy to the patient. With the use of this innovative physical therapy table we can place the patient in comfortable flexion, extension, and traction positions, with soothing and slow movement in order to relieve painful spinal conditions.

Active Release Techniques

ART is a hands-on therapy that corrects muscular and soft tissue problems caused by the formation of scar tissue that is laid down due to cumulative trauma (overuse) or following injury.  ART provides a way to locate, diagnose, and treat the underlying causes of cumulative trauma disorders (repetitive strain injuries) which result in symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, or aching.


Acupuncture literally means “needle piercing”, the practice of inserting fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points into the body for therapeutic purposes.  The net result of these points being stimulated is an inhibition of the incoming pain sensation locally, a general, morphine like, pain-relieving effect throughout the body, an anti-inflammatory effect, and a general sense of improved well-being.