
BioFreeze Cold Therapy / pain relief: Tube-118ml, or Roll-On-89ml: $20.00

It contains ILEX, is a herbal extract from a South American holly shrub. ILEX is used around the world in various health and wellness formulations. BioFreeze topical analgesic does not use waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum. The result is a fast-acting, penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.

Orthotics : $250.00-450.00

We offer custom made inserts to accommodate biomechanical deformities and a variety of soft tissue inflammatory conditions such as plantar fasciitis, knees, hip, and spine deformities.

Orthopedic shoes: $200.00-$250.00

We offer a variety of orthopedic foot wear for patients who require specific support features.

Compression Stockings: Various Compressions- $100.00- $200.00

We also offer custom made compression stockings to promote better venous blood flow which in turn helps to control swelling, varicosities, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions.

Thera-Band: Exercise Band- $5.00

Also available:
Back Supports
Joint Braces
Tens Units
Ergonomic and athletic devices